My Goals

I’m sure this page will be growing as time goes on, but I’m starting to set some goals for msyelf with some rewards for reaching those goals. You’ll notice that none of my goals (except to reach my goal weight) are to lose x numbers of pounds or to be x weight.  That is because that number on the scale is not something that I have direct control over. (My behaviors and decisions greatly influence that number, but I don’t have direct control.) I do, however, have direct control over my behaviors, decisions, and actions so my goals will be based on that. Also, I have a tendency to get really impatient with my seemingly slow weight loss progress, so I want to think more about changing my behaviors. Also, my true long term goal is to develop the habits and become the type of person that will maintain my ideal weight – not just to see x number on the scale. (But don’t get me wrong, I still weigh daily and you can check out “My Progress” page to see those results. And by the way, some of these rewards might seem a little weird (not everyone would consider them a “reward”), but they’re things I like that I wouldn’t buy otherwise. So here’s the list:

Goal Achieved Reward
To complete six full weeks of focusing on healthy habits (this is a big milestone for me, because enthusiasm often starts to fade in week 6) 10/19/08 $35 set of 10 mini mascaras from

Reward from

Reward from

To complete 1500 minutes of exercise (1762.5 mins as of 11/13/08) 11/07/08 An iPod clock docking station thingimg_0975
To jog 3 miles in under 35 minutes TBA A Nike footpod
Log calories and exercise for 42 consecutive days (6 weeks) TBA Better food scale
Gain no more than 1 pound during the week of camp TBA iPod armband
Lose at least 10 percent of body weight in the 12 weeks of the Biggest Loser competion TBA Not sure, possibly GPS watch, new outfit, cutting board, new small piece of furniture or decoration?
Reach goal weight ??? HUGE – I mean huge – shopping spree
  1. #1 by Lucrecia on February 18, 2009 - 12:48 pm

    Great goals! I’ve been needing to replace one of mine, and you just gave me the idea to add in the Ipod touch I’ve been wanting!

  2. #2 by Lori on April 27, 2011 - 8:59 am

    I love this – this is definitely something I need to incorporate into my “plan”. Sometimes seeing it in writing like this makes it more attainable.

  3. #3 by Lori on May 3, 2011 - 8:30 pm

    Hi LauraJane, I have a question about this form – can you e-mail me at when you have a chance? I’d appreciate it.
    Love this!

  1. Tuesday « Journey to Goal

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